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Agility Tools
for Amateurs and Professionals
for Amateurs and Professionals
for Individuals and Organizers
for Individuals and Organizers
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Course designer web app
What is it?
A web service that helps you design and access your courses
wherever and whenever
you want
On any device: smartphone, tablet and computer
Online and offline
Your data are synchronized between devices
How can I use it?
Design and save your own courses
Download your course maps and designs
Share your course maps and designs
Download and share custom versions depending on the recipient
Build your course as designed using the obstacle coordinates
More easily build consecutive courses by visualizing the differences between the courses
Main features
Simultaneously move, rotate or flip multiple obstacles
Copy and paste multiple obstacles
Automatic calculation and manual adjustment of paths
Add a logo or use a custom color scheme
Draw the judge's path
Try it for free for 1 month
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The complete competition and training logbook
What is it?
A web service designed to
More efficiently and systematically plan your training sessions
Easily track your progress during competition and training
Enable you to align your trainings with your competition results
Where can I use it?
Anywhere you want or need
On any device: smartphone, tablet and computer
Online and offline
Your data are synchronized between devices
How can I use it?
Document your training sessions and analyze your progress
What did you train: agility, fitness, groundwork, ...
Add details such as: which obstacle, which technique, ...
Record how well the training went: success ratio, rating, speed, ...
Keep a detailed record of all your competition results
Your placement, your time and speed, the number of faults, ...
What went wrong, where and why
You can even add the course map
Ensure your training is aligned with your results.
Analyze your results and faults.
And how they evolve during the year
Determine from these your training focus
Try it for free for 1 month
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Live start lists and results
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Trial Secretary
For organizers
1. Result processing
Import participant data in CSV or XLSX format
Determine who can run a course and in what order. E.g. all participants, selected participants, per team or country, based on previous results, etc.
Enter results (faults, refusals and eliminations).
Automatically capture course time (for dedicated timing devices)
Calculate various rankings. E.g. individual ranking, team or country ranking, combined rankings, etc.
Live start lists and rankings (for display near the ring)
Upload live start lists and rankings to the dedicated Smarter Agility Live app.
Various scoring options (i.e. assigning points to results) and the ability to generate rankings based on those points.
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2. Registration processing
Process trial registrations and payments using our user-friendly interface.
Manage reservations for camping, catering and/or seminars.
Ability to export the entry data in a selection of CSV formats.
Notify individual or groups of users.
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For competitors
Competition calendar and registration
The basic functions are
Complete the registration forms prior to the registration start date.
Submit the prepared registration forms with one click.
Receive reminder emails when your favorite trials open for registration.
Consult where club members are registered.
Consult registration and payment reports.
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Kurt Munsters Grensstraat 22 3740 Bilzen België BE0698.762.462
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