Secretary Change log

Version 1.4
  • Bug fix - scoring algorithm
    The scoring data was not always properly stored, resulting in missing scores. This has been corrected.
  • Virtual ranking report - sorted by country
    Virtual reports allow you to combine results of multiple rounds (by combining the faults & times or points/scores of individual rounds).
    When the registration data contain competitor countries, a report can be generated that contains the rankings per country (i.e. the rankings for the competitor of country A, then those of country B, and so on).
  • Session management optimization
    API calls to current run data are processed without using sessions / without setting session data.
  • Manage start queue optimization
    The page has been optimized for smaller screens. In addition, ALL runs can be managed (whereas, in the past, the 1st run was locked).
Version 1.3
  • Manual result entry optimization
    In the previous version, the "search by dorsal" function show the current run, if that current run had been set via the (other) Result entry form. This has been corrected.
  • Result entry form
    New button to manually stop to (local) timer. This can be used when a stop signal is not received from the timer.
  • Result transfer file name
    Results can be transferred from one pc to another (check the GUZZLE_RESULT_TRANSFER_IP setting). The result file name format has been changed to more easily recognize the corresponding round.
  • Updated ranking & running order reports
    When the current ring (CURRENT_RING) is set, it is included in the report title.
  • Updated title bar content
    When the current ring (CURRENT_RING) is set, it is displayed in the title.
  • Bug fix
    The run export/backup files did not always contain all relevant data on the corresponding round.That has been fixed.
Version 1.2
  • Internal modifications and improvements
  • Additional stickers for the Belgian Winner
Version 1.1
  • Ability to apply a higher weight to agility rounds
    When combining individual results (to calculate an overall ranking) by default, eliminations have the same weight, irrespective of the round type (i.e. agility, jumping ...).
    However a you can chose to apply a higher weight to agility-rounds. In such case, the number of faults being equal, an elimination on an agility course will result in a lower ranking than an elimination on a jumping course.
    To do so, update the settings 'HIGHER_WEIGHT_FOR_AGILITY_ELIMATION'.
Version 1.0
  • Numerous internal modifications and improvements. And some bug fixes.
  • Ability to begin the starting list (i.e. the running order) at a specific dorsal
    The starting list / running order can be set in various ways (from low to high, at randon, based on previous results, etc). The list can now also start at any user-selected number (e.g. 20 to 40, then 1 to 19).
  • Transfer of run results from one installation to another
    The run results of a round can be transferred to another SA Secretary installation (e.g. in case where each ring has it's own installation).
    To do so, update the setting 'GUZZLE_RESULT_TRANSFER_IP' with the URL of the receiving installation. This will result in the addition of a 'Transfer' button on the Result Entry page - once the round is set to 'Complete'.
  • Import of competitor data requires a valid dorsal
    The import consists of 2 steps: (1) loading (and review) of the data and (2) the actual import.
    If the loaded data contains the dorsals, the actual import (i.e. the second step) will only include non-zero dorsals.
Version 0.72
  • Redesigned Participant form
    The participant form (which allows the modification and addition of participants) has been redesigned and now allows the addition of participants AFTER the initial load/import of external data as well as the addition without loading/importing prior data.
    It should be noted that, in the latter case, only mandatory data can be entered. That is, fields which are optional when loading/importing external data are not available in such case.
  • Handler name format
    The settings HANDLER_NAME_FORMAT determines the format in which the handler name is presented ("John Doe" or "Doe, John"). Note that this only applies when the import data contains separate fields for last and first name (respecticely handler_name and handler_first_name).
  • Participant data import restrictions
    A password is no longer needed to initiate the import. Further, the option to 'Remove existing participants' is no longer allowed once runs have been initialized (i.e. only new/additional participants can be imported).
  • SCT speed
    Per round, the 'SCT speed' can be specified.
  • SCT calculation from speed and length
    If the speed as well as the course length are specified, the SCT can be calculated. When this happens and how it is calculated depends on the new settings MANUAL_SCT_CALCULATION_TRIGGER and MANUAL_SCT_CALCULATION_METHOD (available in the Rounds tab).
  • Import of trial settings
    When previously exported trial settings are imported (typically for a trial that requires similar settings), the GUZZLE_SERVER_ID settings will be preceded by a '-'.
Version 0.71
  • Default competition type
    Upon the first usage, the user is required to specify the (default) competition type. Currently, the following types can be selected: KKUSH, EO and other/generic.
    It should be noted that (1) the type determines the default settings and (2) these default settings can be modified via the Admin module.
  • Bug fix - Editing participant from the results page
    For team or country competitions, the data is correctly saved (that is, the save process no longer generates an error related to the team and/or country name).
Version 0.70
  • Minor modifications & improvements
    Minor modifications to progress.txt and selected interface elements.
Version 0.69
  • Update processing (offline version only)
    When an update is detected, any DB updates will be automatically performed. In addition, the session files as well as the cached views are deleted.
  • Update live results URL
    The live results url has been updated.
  • Bug fix - Special characters in team names
    Special characters in team names are now properties handled when assigning teams to rounds.
Version 0.68
  • Report language
    Via the sidebar menu of the admin module, the language can be set (English, French, German or Dutch). The ranking report will be presented in the selected language (as well as some interface elements).
  • Ranking report - revised layout and content
    When the participant data contains country name, it is included in the ranking report. Further, the team name is only included for team rounds (participation_type = 't').
  • Team and virtual ranking report - revised layout and content
    The team ranking report and the virtual ranking report (which allow the results of multiple rounds to be combined) have been revised.
  • API data
    The current run data now also includes the (round) participation_type and dog_breed.
Version 0.67
  • Result entry page - progress panel
    The "Progress" panel on the result entry page now also includes absentees. In addition, each row includes up to 2 buttons: (1) a hold/unhold button and (2) an absent/present button.
  • Result entry page - additional functionality
    The "Edit" button on the result entry page allows one to quickly update certain data for the current participant and run.
  • Settings page - additional settings
    The "Active trial settings" page contains an additional "Formatting" tab. In additon, this tab contains 2 new settings: PENALTIES_PER_FAULT and DEFAULT_RUN_RESULT_VERSION. The latter determines whether (1) the number of course faults and refusals or (2) the penalties (i.e. the number of faults multiplied by PENALTIES_PER_FAULT) is stored.
  • Manage start queue page - updated functionality
    On the "Manage start queue" page, the drag functionality of the "Running queue" table is limited to the dorsal.
  • Live result page - new design
    The "Live results" page has been redesigned.
  • Trial module sidebar - revised content
    The redesigned trial sidebar menu contains separate items for live links and timer links.
  • Live links page - new and revised URLs
    The URLs on the "Live links" page have changes. In addition, a generic URL has been added to display the start list and results for the current ring.
  • KKUSH trials only - trial date
    Trial date is no longer free text but requires a valid date to be entered.
  • Bug fix - result entry page shortcut keys
    On the "Result entry" page, clicking "s" will trigger the result to be saved (and the page to be refreshed) - assuming the shortcut has been activated on the "Settings" page (SAVE_RESULT_SHORTCUT in the "Results" tab).